Learn how to create the roles you want to play and showcase your talents by directing yourself and other actors in your own film.
Gain the tools and knowledge to think like a director and bring your artistic vision to life on screen.
From concept to post-production, you'll learn how to write, direct, and star in your own films with confidence.
About the Course:
Are you tired of waiting for someone else to cast you in their film? Do you have a burning desire to create your own project but don't know where to start? Look no further. With Actors Direct, you'll gain the skills and knowledge needed to take control of your acting career and become a successful actor-director. This course will teach you everything from writing a winning script, directing yourself and others on set, how to protect your vision, along with everything else you need to know to complete a film that you're proud of. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your talents and become a film auteur!
Course Curriculum
Module 1: Story, Vision and Artistic Concept
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(Included in full purchase)
Why Do Actors Make Good Directors?
(Included in full purchase)
The Role Of A Director
(Included in full purchase)
Story, Vision and Concept
(Included in full purchase)
Ideas on How to Write a Script (for yourself)
(Included in full purchase)
Brainstorm Exercise
(Included in full purchase)
Three Act Movie Structure
(Included in full purchase)
Module 2: Directors Pitch Materials
(Included in full purchase)
Pitch Materials
(Included in full purchase)
Pitch Documents | How-to Guide
(Included in full purchase)
Directors Deck Sample
(Included in full purchase)
Module 3: Hiring Your Key Creative Team as Director-Actor
(Included in full purchase)
Module 3 Intro
(Included in full purchase)
Assemble Your Team
(Included in full purchase)
Module 3 Homework
(Included in full purchase)
Module 4: Directing Actors (and yourself)
(Included in full purchase)
Module 4 Intro
(Included in full purchase)
Directing Yourself
(Included in full purchase)
(Included in full purchase)
Directing Actors
(Included in full purchase)
Module 4 Homework
(Included in full purchase)
Module 5: Pre-Production 101
(Included in full purchase)
Pre Production Intro
(Included in full purchase)
Camera Movement and Techniques
(Included in full purchase)
Storyboard, Shotlist and Overhead Diagram
(Included in full purchase)
Module 5 Homework
(Included in full purchase)
Module 6: Pre-Production 201
(Included in full purchase)
Pre Production Part 2
(Included in full purchase)
Module 6 Homework
(Included in full purchase)
Module 7: Production
(Included in full purchase)
Module 7 Intro
(Included in full purchase)
(Included in full purchase)
Module 7 Outro
(Included in full purchase)
Module 8: Post Production
(Included in full purchase)
Module 8 Intro
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(Included in full purchase)
Visual Effects
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(Included in full purchase)
(Included in full purchase)
Post Sound
(Included in full purchase)
Module 8 Outro
(Included in full purchase)
Next Steps
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More resources for you
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Before you go...
(Included in full purchase)
Ready to Direct Your Career?
Enroll in Actors Direct and start creating your own path in the film industry!